Hi all,

I am trying to create a common CA hierarchy like :


For this I have got the [root] certificate generated through the openssl
command prompt.
The certificates for the rest in the hierarchy have the following basic
profiles, and are generated using OpenSSL libs:

basicConstraints  = critical,CA:TRUE,pathlen:2
keyUsage  = keyCertSign
extendedKeyUsage = trustRoot
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash

basicConstraints  = critical,CA:TRUE,pathlen:1
//there could be one more ca after [CA2]; so pathlen=1
keyUsage  = keyCertSign
extendedKeyUsage = trustRoot
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash

Now the generated CA chain shows (with MSIE 6.0.2900.2180) well upto the
[CA1]. The [CA1] certificate is well attached with [root]'s and
simultaneouly shows this in its status::

     """This certification authority does not appear to be allowed to issue
certificates or cannot be used as an end-entity certificate."""

and it breaks my CA chain upto [CA2].

Though following a basic one, am I still lacking something important in the
chosen certificate profiles.
If I can be suggested some other suitable profile settings which go with my
need to create a simple certification authority hierarchy?

Its tough going for a newbie here. I thank in advance to all who effort to
make it easy for me.

Warm Regards,

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