I worked on enhancing net-snmp to work with OpenSSL in FIPS mode a few
months ago.  After seeming to get it to work, the project was shelved, so
the code never got published.  But, I can tell you the approach I took.
First, I would echo the advice from David Schwartz to carefully read and
understand the OpenSSL FIPS security policy and user's guide - this is a
very important first step if you are going to attempt this.
There are two things that net-snmp needs to do in order to work in FIPS
mode.  At startup, it needs to call FIPS_mode_set(1) to put the OpenSSL
library in FIPS mode, and then it needs to avoid calling non-FIPS algorithms
- in particular MD5 and DES.  Actually, I'm a little confused about whether
DES has to be avoided or not, but we made the decision that when in FIPS
mode we would only allow AES to be used for encryption.
To call FIPS_mode_set, I added a function in snmplib/scapi.c named
"sc_fips()".  This function uses a static variable to tell whether or not it
has been previously called, and simply returns immediately on all calls
after the first one, with a value indicating whether or not FIPS mode is
enabled.  On the first call, it checks an environment variable,
"NETSNMP_FIPS" to see whether or not FIPS mode is being requested; if not,
it just returns, indicating that FIPS mode is not enabled.  This is similar
to the way the openssl utility works (using an environment variable to
request that it operate in FIPS mode).  If the environment variable is set,
then FIPS_mode_set() is called, and if successful, a return is made
indicating that FIPS mode is now enabled.  If FIPS_mode_set() returns an
error, the program aborts with an error.  
I then inserted calls to this function prior to each place in the code where
calls to OpenSSL functions were made.  This insures that if FIPS mode is
requested, then FIPS_mode_set() will be called prior to calling any other
OpenSSL function, but it will only be called once.  Of course, when there
are a series of calls to OpenSSL functions within a single function, it is
sufficient to call sc_fips() just once in that function before any of the
OpenSSL calls are made.  The places where OpenSSL function calls are made
can be found pretty easily by scanning for the "USE_OPENSSL" compile flag.
There seem to be just two modules:  snmplib/keytools.c and snmplib/scapi.c.
By doing the initialization this way, it works for all application code that
links with the library - not just snmpd, but also snmpget, snmpwalk, etc.
The next problem is to make sure that non-FIPS algorithms are avoided when
in FIPS mode.  There are already compile-time flags that can be set to
disable calling MD5 and DES - "DISABLE_MD5" and "DISABLE_DES".  So, one way
to create a FIPS net-snmp would be to build it with those flags set.  That
is, run configure with --disable-md5 and --disable-des options.  We wanted
to be able to select FIPS mode at run time, though, through the environment
variable described above, so I couldn't compile MD5 and DES support out, but
rather needed to add logic to make sure these calls were avoided whenever -
but only when - running in FIPS mode.
To do that conveniently, I added these macro definitions to
#define NOT_FIPS_AND !sc_fips() &&
#define FIPS_OR sc_fips() ||
#define FIPS_ENABLE sc_fips()

Then, searching through the source for all instances of DISABLE_MD5 or
DISABLE_DES, I added logic to make the same disable decision at run time
using one of those macros.  For example, in snmplib/scapi.c, you'll find
this function:

sc_get_properlength(const oid * hashtype, u_int hashtype_len)
     * Determine transform type hash length.
#ifndef DISABLE_MD5
    if (ISTRANSFORM(hashtype, HMACMD5Auth)) {
    } else
        if (ISTRANSFORM(hashtype, HMACSHA1Auth)) {
    return SNMPERR_GENERR;

This was changed to:

sc_get_properlength(const oid * hashtype, u_int hashtype_len)
     * Determine transform type hash length.
#ifndef DISABLE_MD5
    if (NOT_FIPS_AND ISTRANSFORM(hashtype, HMACMD5Auth)) {
    } else
        if (ISTRANSFORM(hashtype, HMACSHA1Auth)) {
    return SNMPERR_GENERR;

As a result, the MD5 HMAC function is only used if FIPS mode is not
selected.  If FIPS mode is selected, it acts the same as if the code was
built with the DISABLE_MD5 flag set.  Similar changes were made everywhere
the DISABLE_MD5 or DISABLE_DES compile flags were found.
Finally, note that each reference to "NOT_FIPS_AND", "FIPS_OR", or
"FIPS_ENABLE" results in a call to sc_fips().  Thus, these tests can double
as the required calls to enable fips mode in the first place.
Hope this helps with your project.  As noted at the top, we didn't actually
get to final release on this, so it never went through formal testing or
customer acceptance.  But, it did seem to work in preliminary testing.
Good Luck!
David McKinley


Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 7:02 AM
To: openssl-users@openssl.org
Subject: OpenSSL FIPS Query

NetSNMP is the open source SNMP management Kit which uses OpenSSL Libcrypto.
I would like to know what changes I have to make in the NetSnmp to access
the FIPS compatible OpenSSL Libraries.
Ramaniganth V.S.
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