Here is an OpenSSL command that I have had success with this in the
openssl req -new -out certreq.pem -subj
'/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=City/O=Organization/CN=My Common Name' -passout
Of course this certificate request needs to be signed by the CA to
become a valid certificate
openssl ca -batch -keyfile cakey.pem -cert cacert.pem -key password -out
cert.pem -infiles certreq.pem
Note: The use of the -key option may not be a good idea, as it bares the
Root Key password in cleartext.  Similarly, the use of the -passout
option in the first command bares the new private key password
(corresponding to the new certificate).  While this is not as big of
deal as revealing the Root Key password, it is sitll a risk.  However,
this method allows one to create a certificate without input on the
command line.  Leaving either of these options out, OpenSSL will prompt
you to type in the password.
Also, any options that are not explicitly set via command line options
(key length and algorithm, message digest, etc...) will be obtained from
the config file.  You can also go the other way with this and put all of
the settings in the configuration file (passwords, subj, etc...).
Hope this helps.

Ryan G Smith 

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