
I have a SSL enabled client application. This is a multi threaded
application in which
simultaneous client-server connect is achieved by spawning a thread for each
When the application is stressed by creating spawning about 100 threads and
each thread
would do a SSL connect to server sequentially ~1000 times.

I observe that the swap size in my Linux box(Fedora core 4 - )
reduces to zero megabytes
leading to application crash at times and kernel killing the process (
kernel: Out of Memory: Killed process ).

The CTX object is created once for every thread. SSL object is freed after
every connection[SSL_free(ssl);]
BIO is set as follows:
    bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_socket());
    BIO_set_fd(bio, sd, BIO_NOCLOSE);
    BIO_set_close(bio, BIO_NOCLOSE) ;

Any ideas why swap size reduces to zero. The application code thus far seems
not to have leak. Its a thin client  without
much heap allocation. Should BIO_free needs to be called after every
connection? I suppose SSL_free() takes care, isn't?

Prabhu. S

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