> > In this second step of verification, you can exchange public keys,
> > certificates, challenges, responses, and so on. Each side can
> > verify what it
> > is talking to on the other side by whatever mechanism you want.

> Ahh, yes, ok. But the result would not be SSL but
> something-SSL-based, right? Well, by this someone could use e.g.
> symetric keys for authentication - if it fails the session could
> be discarded, right.

It would be SSL for everything except the MITM detection. SSL provides the
transport encryption.

> > Again, the only serious potential gotcha is a MITM who might replace the
> > single SSL session with his two (one to each end) and proxy the
> > second step
> > and then takeover or monitor the data connection. Ensuring that
> > each side's
> > SSL_get_finished matches the other side's SSL_get_peer_finished
> > should be
> > sufficient to prevent this. (Include these in the signed objects you
> > exchange.)

> I'm not sure if I understand "...including these...". If, for
> instance, each side (and only them) share a secret 3DES key and
> use it for some challenge-response-authentication inside a SSL
> tunnel then I would assume that this is secure because it would
> be secure without the SSL and thus should be with it.

No, because a MITM could interpose his own SSL connection to both sides,
proxy the challenge-response authentication and then view or modify the
plaintext. If you don't verify the name in the certificate, SSL provides
everything you need *except* MITM detection. So you just need to add that.

Once you verify that the two programs that are going to exchange secure data
have opposite ends of the *same* SSL connection, SSL does everything you

> beside the
> fact, that I don't see the advantages of SSL here. A MITM could
> forward this authentication, so based on the challenge-response
> some session key needs to be derived to be used as encryption key
> (to make the MITM unable to read or change the forwarded data).
> Is that right so far (in such a setup, what is the SSL for BTW)?

If a MITM forwarded the authentication, the authentication would fail
because the authentication objects would not match the 'finished' data. If a
MITM interposes his own SSL connections, then the 'finished' data will not

> So your point is that some property from the original certificate
> (lets say some hash or so) could be included in the extra
> authentication to detect a MITM (or whatever faked) certificate?
> In that case, SSL would be used basically for encryption only, right?


> Are such schemes used in practice? Or is it more a theoretical
> idea showing what would be possible?

Yes, they are.


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