> Indeed when I call the ASN1_item_verify(), in the asn1/a_verify.c function
> the following error occurs:
> 14250:error:0D0C50A1:lib(13):func(197):reason(161):a_verify.c:141:
> I tried to trace the problem, and I found that it resides in the
> following piece of code:
>          i=OBJ_obj2nid(a->algorithm);
>          type=EVP_get_digestbyname(OBJ_nid2sn(i));
> The OBJ_nid2sn returns the `RSA-SHA1` which is not recognized by the
> EVP_get_digestbyname() function. This value is automatically set when
> the ASN1_item_sign() is called.
> The funny thing is that on the server, the same value is extracted and
> the ASN1_item_verify() function completes with a sound `1` as a result,
> while on the client (although the *same value* is extracted [65]) the
> ASN1_item_verify() fails at line 141...
Do you have OpenSSL library initialized ?
Look at man page for SSL_library_init.

Best regards,
Marek Marcola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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