I have a basic question here:
Is it mandatory to have the server configured with ciphers/certificates for SSL handshake?

Thanks / Sukant

Alex Lam wrote:
Hi Alessandro,

You will need to set up a handful of cipher & certificate related settings before server and client will join.
I suggest you take a look at the apps/s_server.c and apps/s_client.c


On 10/9/07, *Alessandro Baggi* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    I'm trying to make a client/server application with ssl connection but
    the handshake doesn't work.

    Reading the manual page I've tried to do this to make ssl connection:

    Server layer:

    SSL_CTX *ssl = NULL;
    SSL *new = NULL;
    socketdescriptor = socketcreation();
    ssl = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv3_server_method());
    new = SSL_new(ssl);
    SSL_set_fd(ssl, socketdescriptor);

    Client layer:

    SSL_CTX *ssl = NULL;
    SSL *new = NULL;
    socketdescriptor = socketcreation(...);
    ssl = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv3_client_method());
    new = SSL_new(ssl);
    SSL_set_fd(ssl, socketdescriptor);

    When I try to get SSL connection Server give me an error on
    that return -1 with message: Operation not permitted and Client
    give me
    on SSL_connect 0 with the same message.
    What is the right way to make an ssl connection?

    Thanks in advice.
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