I take the information from this web page:

Which has the following:

Ted Zeng
Adobe Systems Inc.

On 11/9/07 8:31 PM, "Rodney Thayer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ted Zeng wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I use Mac OS X 10.4.10 to create a certificate with two DRL distribution
>> points. I have been able to create certs with one distribution point.
>> Here is how I set in the conf file:
>> [ certificate_extensions ]
>> basicConstraints     = CA:false
>> extendedKeyUsage     =codeSigning
>> crlDistributionPoints=URI:http://server1/certs/air1.crl,URI:http://server2/c
>> erts/air1.crl
>> The certificate generated has only the first URI.
>> What should I do to let a certificate have 2 DPs?
> I only vaguely recall that being possible so I'm assuming you're
> correct that there can be multiple entries.  check the examples... is it
> "," or some other character that's supposed to be in between.  And do
> you say URI twice?
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