Read will fail if write must be done.  Write will fail if read must be
done.  The bug is that you're not checking for the SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ
or SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE required error statuses -- if you get either
of those, you just need to retry the operation again (i.e., treat just
like EAGAIN in POSIX).

Please see for more
information, specifically the part just above the huge WARNING
section.  (I don't know if 0.9.7 has SSL_get_mode/SSL_set_mode, or if
SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY is implemented, so I don't know if setting that
will work in your environment.)  It's important to note, though, that
the documentation there is very unclear. (the reason for those codes
is so that a process can implement its own BIOs and fill the buffers
on its own.)

-Kyle H

On Nov 29, 2007 6:11 PM, k b <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, so it's kindof working now.
> kinda because after a do_handshake, any read on the server server return -1,
> but if you ignore this one and continue, subsequent read works.
> And data transfer works if back to normal with the new session.
> Any reason why the read would fail ?
> Are there any setting that i could use on the SSL_CTX that might be helpful.
> Or is there a alternative way to handle this.
> 1) the read would block till renegotiation successfully completes.
> 2) i don't know, maybe read returns zero.
> I don't have access to the server code so possibly can't change the way the
> read is performed.
> Again any insights would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Kunal
> ________________________________
> To:
> Subject: SSL_renegotiate and SSL_do_handshake
> Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 13:11:04 -0800
>  Hi ,
> I have client that would connects to a server for a long duration of time.
> And i'm trying to refresh the session keys.
> From what I have read for open ssl 0.9.7 and up the step to do the same are
> pretty simple.
> SSL_renegotiate(SSL *)
> SSL_do_handshake(SSL *)
> and then to confirm call SSL_renegotiate_pending to check status.
> the problem I'm seeing is that i don't see the SSL_renegotiate_pending
> returning 0 to indicate
> renegotiation completed.
> I'm using openssl 0.9.7. and SSL_get_version returning TLSv1, which i think
> is fine.
> Q1) By the way i'm making this call from the client. should this matter ?
> Q2) is there any thing else that i need to do. or am i missing something ?
> Any insights would appreciated
> -Kunal
> here the client code snippet
> void run() {
> time_t lastRenewTime;
> time_t currentTime;
> time(&lastRenewTime);
> static BIO *out = BIO_new_fp(stdout,BIO_NOCLOSE);
> printf("SSL/TLS version : %s \n", SSL_get_version(mySSL));
> SSL_SESSION *session = SSL_get_session(mySSL);
> printf("session A\n");
> SSL_SESSION_print(out, session);
> while (1)
> {
>     time(&currentTime);
>     if ((currentTime - lastRenewTime) > 10)
>     {
>         printf("renegotiating ...\n");
>         SSL_renegotiate(mySSL);
>         int pending = SSL_renegotiate_pending(mySSL);
>         int handShake = SSL_do_handshake(mySSL);
>         int timeout = 20000;
>         printf("do_handshake %d\n", handShake);
>         // int );
>         do {
>             timeout--;
>             // i think the actual renegotiate req would only go to server
> whenever a data is sent. right ?
>             SendDataToServer();
>             SSL_do_handshake(mySSL);
>         } while(pending && SSL_renegotiate_pending(mySSL) && timeout > 0);
>         SSL_SESSION *newSession = SSL_get_session(mySSL);
>         printf("session compare %d\n", SSL_SESSION_cmp(session,
> newSession));
>         if (!newSession)  {
>             printf("session B \n");
>             SSL_SESSION_print(out, session);
>         }
>         printf("timeout %d\n", timeout);
>         if (timeout <= 0)
>         {
>             printf("ERROR in refreshing keys\n");
>         }
>     }
>     // read from and write to server.
> }
> }
> ________________________________
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