I seem to be getting an extra block of output for AES-128 in CBC and ECB modes 
when using the EVP_EncryptUpdate mode.  When using the BIO interface it appears 
to work fine, and if I leave padding enabled and provide less than 1 block of 
input (15 bytes instead of 16) then it seems to work fine.

I've attached a small program to demonstrate this behavior.  When run with 
OpenSSL 0.9.8 (up through and including g), the EVP_Encrypt output for AES-128-
CBC and AES-128-ECB modes are 32 bytes, but all other output is 16 bytes.

Is this a bug, feature, or an error on my part?  If this is a bug, would it be 
reasonable to assume the extra block for the above two modes is unneeded (I can 
ensure my input is always a block-multiple) and automatically strip it?  I'd 
prefer to avoid the BIO interface due to the higher performance (as calculated 
at the end of the attached test program, the BIO interface is nearly 5x slower 
than the EVP_EncryptUpdate).


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Attachment: blocksize_symtest.cpp
Description: Binary data

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