Dear list,


One of my responsibilities is to ensure that GlobalSign's roots are embedded
within devices and operating systems.  Recently a major browser provider
indicated the following:-  


"However, for the most part we integrate with third party SSL/TLS libraries.
On these devices we do not generally control what goes into the root store
of the device. In these cases I think you will have to talk to the various
device manufacturers we integrate with, and sometimes the SSL/TLS library

A few typical ones; Certicom, OpenSSL, MatrixSSL, etc."


Can someone point me in the right direction please to ensure future OpenSSL
versions have the correct GlobalSign Roots.  We've recently updated our
roots and therefore have new ones to embed.  I'm not sure to whom I need to
direct my request.


Many thanks


Kind Regards,


Steve Roylance

Business Development Director




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