
You are right.The cryptographic negotiation of SSL takes
much longer than any TCP handshake. And I do agree with you on significance
of improvement. I haven't quantified yet the gain in doing connection in
persistent TCP.
But server as persistent TCP feature. Some client may wish to communicate
like that.

Prabhu. S

On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 8:34 PM, jimmy bahuleyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Prabhu S wrote:
> > Hi Jimmy,
> >
> >
> > I think some details  of my system would explain better.
> >
> > When the client connects to the server, the server opens another
> > connection to a host server. The data that is sent by client is passed
> > on to the host servers. The host servers responds to client requests via
> > server. The connection b/w server and host is plain TCP.
> >
>  From what I've seen of SSL, the cryptographic negotiation of SSL takes
> much longer than any TCP handshake over a sane network. Unless you're
> doing session resumption in which case it would drastically come down
> (but still be a bit more than TCP?). If you've really measured TCP
> connection establishment dominating SSL negotiation, ...then I need to
> look at my numbers again :)
> (What you've described here sounds roughly like port-forwarding in SSH.)
> > Now there is a config in server, which determines when should server
> > open connection to host server. It can do so as soon as TCP handshakes
> > completes with the client or when SSL handshake is complete with server.
> > In the latter case , there are no issues what so ever in persistent
> > connection. All SSL handshakes are successful. In the former case I run
> > in to issues I have mentioned. [ a valid question is, how can server
> > config change affect client?]
> > But why should client abruptly send FIN and RSTs and in correct finish
> > messages?
> >
> > So successful SSL handshakes in persistent connection  should be
> > possible 'every time'. I do not think it can happen by accident.
> >
> > The over head becomes significant under stress test of server when we
> > consider that the server is capable of taking in 500 session/sec and
> > each session should not last more that 3 sec.
> >
> -jb
> --
> I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.
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