
I need to encrypt a password with a DES key, I'm trying the following code:
      char * buff[20];
     int theDESCheckResult;
     DES_cblock * theDESKey1;
     DES_key_schedule *theSchedule;
     DES_cblock * theOutput;
     ALMLog (@"Enter your DBPassword");
     fgets((char *)&buff, 10, stdin);
         theDESKey1 = [[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] globallyUniqueString] 
         RAND_seed(theDESKey1, strlen(theDESKey1));
     theDESCheckResult = DES_set_key_checked(theDESKey1, theSchedule);
     DES_ecb_encrypt(buff, theOutput, theSchedule, DES_ENCRYPT);
The DES key is correctly generated but the DES_set_key_checked () function 
returns -1 which means that the parity is wrong and the function 
DES_ecb_encrypt () cannot be executed.

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