I used SelfSSL.exe utility to create self-signed certificate and installed it 
into IIS on my website.
My OpenSSL client fails when I try to connect to my website. I've got this 

SSL_connect() failed: error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1) 
error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify 

After that I created self-signed certificate using OpenSSL and installed it 
into IIS on my website. In that case my OpenSSL client work fine.

I compared two certificates (created by SelfSSL and OpenSSL). I found one 
important difference: SelfSSL's certificate's "Key Usage" extension has no 
"Certificate Signing" bit asserted. In other words SelfSSL generates 
self-signed certificate which cannot be used to sign certificates. But it's 
self-signed! It was used to sign certificate, but certificate signing is 
restricted for it.

So, there are two questions:

1. Is this (SelfSSL) certificate valid (for OpenSSL)?

2. Are there any workaround to use this certificate in my OpenSSL client?
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