Why is this a problem?  What is the problem?  SSL and TLS are designed
to abstract out underlying protocol details from the protocol client.
What are you doing that requires a 1 to 1 correspondence?

-Kyle H

2008/7/27 abc_123_ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I can't fix my problem , anybady can help me?
> ________________________________
> abc_123_ok
> 2008-07-28
> ________________________________
> 发件人: abc_123_ok
> 发送时间: 2008-07-25 09:35:17
> 收件人: openssl-users@openssl.org
> 抄送:
> 主题: Re: Re: Re: hello everyone
> Dear Victor Duchovni,
> I  knew what you speak as below,
> I have added the CBC padding and Mac and record head, but besides these len,
>  it still have 24 bytes is more. the 24 bytes is before the application
> data.
> my problem still can n't be fixed.
> ________________________________
> abc_123_ok
> 2008-07-25
> ________________________________
> 发件人: Victor Duchovni
> 发送时间: 2008-07-24 22:02:49
> 收件人: openssl-users@openssl.org
> 抄送:
> 主题: Re: Re: Re: hello everyone
> On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 05:10:54PM +0800, abc_123_ok wrote:
>> I want to know what the 24 byte is.
> The TLS "record layer" uses a 5 byte header. The actual data
> is extended with a MAC, and encrypted which often adds CBC padding.
> You should not make any assumptions about the length of the encrypted
> data on the wire, there may also be packets for renegotiation if the
> client or server chooses to do that.
> --
> Viktor.
> ______________________________________________________________________
> OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
> User Support Mailing List                    openssl-users@openssl.org
> Automated List Manager                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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