I have had to add certs to two different places in Windows in order for the them be found.

I added them using system32/certmgr -- but that is not enough. I have found I also need to add them using the certificate control panel in Internet Explorer. I use certs to sign documents in OpenOffice among others. If you are finding that you cannot find certs you thought you had added, try adding them in both of these places.


Sergio wrote:
Venkata LK Mula escribió:


With reference to the above mentioned subject, we have generated root, server and client certificates in .pfx (p12) and .der format in FreeRADIUS using OpenSSL, installed these certificates on the Windows XP client. And when I'm trying to associate the Windows clinet to the network. it is displaying the message "Windows was unable to find the certificate to log you on the network Roaming test2". Can any body lookinto the issue and suggest us with possible solutions for the same please.




If you are used freeradius utilities to issue certificates (make ca.pem, make server.pem, make client.pem, bootstrap command etc) you need to mark server certificate as CA:true or something like this, because is the server the issuer of client certs (at least, into default radius PKI). See and compare ca.cnf and server.cnf and you will see that default configuration doesn't put issuing permissions into server certificate, only into ca's. Because server hasn't got issuing permission, windows are considering that certification route is broken.You can see it into mozilla or ie. If you don't want use server certificate to sign client certs, you can issue them with ca.pem, changing only two options into the Makefile file (client.pem rule), or you can put your own commands. I have this configuration and it works perfectly, it's just a different PKI. But, if your client certs are now signed by the root authority and windows was unable to find it, i can't help you more :) Also, be sure that server and client certs have the correct extensions to work on XP. This extensions are KeyUsage and a list of numbers separated by points. Above commands, in this case, add this extensions. Hope this helps.
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