I have exactly the same problem as you. Did you do any progress with
this problem?

I have some simple results of my experiments with this problem. When one
connection between server and client is established and other client
tries to connect, then SSL_read(ssl_01) returns error:
SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ. But when I try to accept this attempt with
SSL_accept(ssl_02), then this function call fails and returns error:
SSL_ERROR_SSL. I hope it will not be necessary to have extra socket for
every DTLS connection.

Any documentation for using DTLS with OpenSSL library is really missing.

Best Regard,


> Hi all,
> I am trying to implement simple client-server application over UDP/DTLS with
> one server handling multiple clients. I found the simple server-client
> sample code for dtls, but haven't been able to figure out how can a single
> server listening on a specific port can handle multiple client requests to
> that port? I guess server reads data from socket using 'SSL_read'. How does
> it figure out from which client the packet has come? What is the best way
> for server to store/handle multiple SSL information of each client?
> I have been stuck with this problem for sometime now. And I really
> appreciate if anybody can throw some light on it.
> Thanking you,
> bikcupid

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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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