Thank you for your response. I have checked the error code using

I get an SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (5)  return code, indicating an I/O, but the
error queue is empty. My application continues to function. It is fetching
an HTML document over an HTTPS connection.

My concern is that, since I reuse the SSL handle, I should wait for it to be
completely closed rather than potentially overlap HTTPS requests.
Occasionally my application hangs during an HTTPS request on a dual core
Inspiron when the HTTPS requests come one on the heels of another.

Can you tell me anything more about what sorts of conditions would cause an


On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 5:49 PM, David Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Solveig Viste wrote:
> > I have an application which is occasionally hanging.
> > I have tracked it down to an SSL_shutdown call.
> > The value (0) returned from the shutdown call indicates
> > that the shutdown is not finished.
> As happens with non-blocking sockets, sometimes the operation does not
> complete and you have to retry the operation later.
> > The shutdown man page indicates that a second call to
> > SSL_shutdown should cause a bidirectional shutdown,
> A subsequent retry of the operation will complete if and only if whatever
> the first shutdown was waiting for has happened.
> > and I thought this is indeed what the application calls for.
> > However, when I make the second call to SSL_shutdown,
> > the value returned is still 0 (shutdown not finished)
> > rather than 1 (shutdown complete) or -1 (shutdown not successful).
> Did you check the error code? Was it WANT_READ or WANT_WRITE? Did you wait
> for the appropriate operation to be ready?
> > Is this recently added bahavior? Does the SSL handle
> > need to have certain properties in order to get a
> > bidirectional shutdown?
> You need to handle an organized shutdown the way you handle any other
> operation on a non-blocking connection that might take time to complete.
> DS
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Solveig Viste
VA Smalltalk Support

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