pbirk wrote:
I'm getting the following error after following the steps in the FIPS users
guide to compile on Windows at this link:
http://openssl.org/docs/fips/UserGuide-1.1.1.pdf.   I'm using FIPS 1.1.2
with OpenSSL 0.9.7m.   I do ms\do_ms (tried with ms\do_nasm as well), then
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak.   The contents of out32dll are as follows after the
failure.   If I do the compile again, it can successfully build
ssleay32.dll, but libeay32.dll is corrupted when trying to add in the
manifest.   Any ideas why this failed?

 Directory of C:\downloads\OpenSSL\openssl-0.9.7m\out32dll

10/09/2008  11:28 AM    <DIR>          .
10/09/2008  11:28 AM    <DIR>          ..
10/09/2008  11:27 AM           651,264 fips_premain_dso.exe
10/09/2008  11:27 AM               380 fips_premain_dso.exe.manifest
10/09/2008  11:27 AM            29,696 fips_standalone_sha1.exe
10/09/2008  11:27 AM               380 fips_standalone_sha1.exe.manifest
10/09/2008  11:28 AM         2,097,152 libeay32.dll
10/09/2008  11:28 AM               380 libeay32.dll.manifest
10/09/2008  11:28 AM           343,847 libeay32.exp
10/09/2008  11:28 AM           566,392 libeay32.lib

        cl /Fotmp32dll\fips_premain_dso.obj -DFINGERPRINT_PREMAIN_DSO_LOAD
32 -Itmp32dll /MD /W3 /WX /Ox /O2 /Ob2 /Gs0 /GF /Gy /nologo
-c .\fips-1.0\fips_premain.c
        link /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 /opt:ref
s_premain_dso.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\nm50D.tmp
        SET FIPS_LINK=link
        SET FIPS_CC=cl
        SET FIPS_CC_ARGS=/Fotmp32dll\fips_premain.obj -Iinc32 -Itmp32dll /MD
 /WX /Ox /O2 /Ob2 /Gs0 /GF /Gy /nologo -DOPENSSL_SYSNAME_WIN32
        SET PREMAIN_DSO_EXE=out32dll\fips_premain_dso.exe
        SET FIPS_SHA1_EXE=out32dll\fips_standalone_sha1.exe
        SET FIPS_TARGET=out32dll\libeay32.dll
        SET FIPSLIB_D=c:\downloads\openssl_fips/
        perl util\fipslink.pl /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386
/dll  /base:0xFB00000 /out:out32dll\libeay32.dll /def:ms/LIBEAY32.def
Integrity check OK
cl /Fotmp32dll\fips_premain.obj -Iinc32 -Itmp32dll /MD /W3 /WX /Ox /O2 /Ob2
link /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 /opt:ref /dll /base:0xFB00000
:out32dll\libeay32.dll /def:ms/LIBEAY32.def
ms/LIBEAY32.def(7) : warning LNK4017: DESCRIPTION statement not supported
for th
e target platform; ignored
   Creating library out32dll\libeay32.lib and object out32dll\libeay32.exp

LINK : fatal error LNK1000: Internal error during IMAGE::BuildImage

  Version 8.00.50727.42

  ExceptionCode            = C0000005
  ExceptionFlags           = 00000000
  ExceptionAddress         = 0046563C (00400000)
  NumberParameters         = 00000002
  ExceptionInformation[ 0] = 00000001
  ExceptionInformation[ 1] = 00000008

  Eax    = 00000008  Esp    = 0012EEA8
  Ebx    = 00000000  Ebp    = 0111B008
  Ecx    = 00000000  Esi    = 015B002C
  Edx    = 000EC028  Edi    = 015AFFF0
  Eip    = 0046563C  EFlags = 00010202
  SegCs  = 0000001B  SegDs  = 00000023
  SegSs  = 00000023  SegEs  = 00000023
  SegFs  = 0000003B  SegGs  = 00000000
  Dr0    = 00000000  Dr3    = 00000000
  Dr1    = 00000000  Dr6    = 00000000
  Dr2    = 00000000  Dr7    = 00000000
First stage Link failure at util\fipslink.pl line 42.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\Perl\bin\perl.EXE' : return code '0x9'

Search this list's archives. The discussion is also indexed by Google. The versions of MinGW and MSYS are apparently VERY specific. The fact the instructions work at all is a miracle. The instructions require mixing two completely different compiler suites, which is not just a bad idea, it is a horrifically terrible idea.

A VERY recent discussion thread happened last week entitled "FIPS fail" is worth reading. I managed to get past the linking stage only to discover the output DLL was completely hosed. I'm waiting on FIPS 1.2.0, which could take a while but definitely worth the wait as it will only require ONE compiler suite.

Thomas Hruska
Shining Light Productions

Home of BMP2AVI, Nuclear Vision, ProtoNova, and Win32 OpenSSL.

OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
User Support Mailing List                    openssl-users@openssl.org
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