On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 12:20 PM, David Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yes. Hence the correct solution would be non-blocking with select()...
>> Best regards,
>>     Lutz
> How do you determine (portably) if the socket you got from 'socket' is
> inside the legal range for FD_SET? Many platforms, including Linux, will
> happilly allow 'socket' to return values that are way out of range for
> FD_SET. And FD_SET has no error return.

You are supposed to be able to use the POSIX macro FD_SETSIZE,
which is an integer representing the largest file descriptor number that
can be indexed in an fd_set type.

   if( fd <= FD_SETSIZE ) {
      FD_SET( fd, &read_set );
   } else {
      /* fd is too large! */

You can also use the sysconf() system call with _SC_OPEN_MAX
to get another related upper bound.

The fd_set overflow problem can occur whenever the two values
are different such that

  FD_SETSIZE < sysconf( _SC_OPEN_MAX )

Under strict POSIX, this should never be the case, but
in practice it occasionally is.  I've seen this under HP-UX
for instance with certain kernel tuning.

What I've done in the past with good portability success it to
force the size of the structures to be much larger by using a
union.  Almost all Unixes just use a packed-bit representation,
so as long as you allocate more bytes of storage everything
will work.  I just pick some much larger maximum, and define my
own types.  Other than FD_ZERO all the other function macros
seem to work just fine on the larger structures in every Unix
like system I've seen.

   #define FD_SETSIZE_LARGE 4096

   typedef union large_fd_set_union {
      fd_set set;
      unsigned char padding[ (FD_SETSIZE_LARGE/(sizeof(char)*8)) +
sizeof(long) ];
   } large_fd_set;

Then I use them like this:

   large_fd_set  read_set;

   /* To initialize */
   memset( &read_set, 0, sizeof(read_set) )
   FD_ZERO( &read_set.set );

   /* To set an fd */
   FD_SET( fd, &read_set.set );

   /* To clear an fd */
   FD_CLR( fd, &read_set.set );

   /* To test */
   if( FD_ISSET( fd, &read_set.set );

Deron Meranda
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
User Support Mailing List                    openssl-users@openssl.org
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