
I'm wondering if someone can help me with a "no shared cipher" error
occurring when I attempt SSL_accept? I'll try to explain what's being done
as succinctly as possible:

1. There are two classes, SocketListener and SocketClient. Each does the
following as part of SSL initialization (pseudocode here):
  context = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_method());
 connection =  SSL_new(context);
 SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(context, path_to_cert, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
 SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(context, path_to_key, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
 SSL_set_cipher_list(connection, "ALL:eNULL");

2. The Listener calls all the Init stuff, calls SSL_set_fd(connection, fd),
does normal socket bind() and listen(), calls SSL_set_accept_state() and
then waits on accept().

3. The Client calls all of this Init stuff, does it's normal TCP connect,
calls SSL_set_fd(connection, fd) and then calls SSL_set_connect_state() and
finally SSL_connect().

4. When the client connection comes in, accept returns, and inside the
listener object we create a new Client with the file descriptor returned
from accept, and then call SSL_set_accept_state(newclient->connection,
newclient->fd), and finally SSL_accept(newclient->connection).

It's on the SSL_accept that I get the error. So I have two questions, does
this sound like an otherwise correct procedure for establishing a basic SSL
connection? and, what might be causing the shared cipher error?

Any help is appreciated.


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