> > I was under the impression that openssl allows loading multiple CRLs 
> > for the same issuer. But, this does not seem to be the case as is 
> > proved by using "openssl verify".
> >
> > $ ls -l ./ca/
> > total 24
> > lrwxrwxrwx  1 pshah users   10 Jan 28 21:56 ba4bb3b6.0 -> 
> > cacert.pem              -----> the CA cert
> > lrwxrwxrwx  1 pshah users   14 Jan 28 21:56 ba4bb3b6.r0 -> 
> > revoked_48.pem       ----> revokes only cert48.pem
> > lrwxrwxrwx  1 pshah users   14 Jan 28 21:56 ba4bb3b6.r1 -> 
> > revoked_49.pem       -----> revokes only cert49.pem
> > -rw-r--r--  1 pshah users 1233 Jan 28 17:09 cacert.pem
> > -rw-r--r--  1 pshah users  560 Jan 28 17:10 revoked_48.pem
> > -rw-r--r--  1 pshah users  560 Jan 28 17:10 revoked_49.pem
> >
> > $ openssl verify -CApath ./ca/ -crl_check -verbose cert49.pem
> > cert49.pem: OK
> >
> > $ openssl verify -CApath ./ca/ -crl_check -verbose cert48.pem
> > cert48.pem: /C=--/ST=California/L=San Francisco/O=Riverbed Technology, 
> > Inc./OU=Steelhead/CN=hw1-sh18/emailaddress=fakeem...@example.com 
> > <mailto:fakeem...@example.com>
> > error 23 at 0 depth lookup:certificate revoked
> > 29615:error:0B07D065:x509 certificate routines:X509_STORE_add_crl:cert 
> > already in hash table:x509_lu.c:418:
> >
> A CRL ( Certificat revocation  list) is the list of ALL the revoked 
> certificates at the time it is issued
> So if at time t1 a certificate  48 is revoked
> then all the subsequent CRLs MUST indicate that  the certificate 48 as 
> revoked
> If later at time t2 the certificate 49 is revoked
> hen all the subsequent CRLs MUST indicate that  both  certificate 48 and 
> certificate 49  arte  revoked
> Thus only the lasT CRL has to considered . Since the delivery times of 
> the CRLs  are close together
> it is not easy to check into the example which is ithe last CRL

i think you misunderstood the question.
the issue at hand is not about "older" and "latest" copies of a
particular (certificate revocation) list, but it is about two *distinct* 
simultaneously valid and active (certificate revocation) lists that are 
issued/maintained by
the same issuer.


   Each CRL has a particular scope.  The CRL scope is the set of
   certificates that could appear on a given CRL.  For example, the
   scope could be "all certificates issued by CA X", "all CA
   certificates issued by CA X", "all certificates issued by CA X that
   have been revoked for reasons of key compromise and CA compromise",
   or a set of certificates based on arbitrary local information, such
   as "all certificates issued to the NIST employees located in

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