On Wed, Feb 11, 2009, Nickfx wrote:

> Nickfx wrote:
> > 
> > Hi, first post here and I wonder if anyone with a larger brain than me can
> > help?
> > 
> > I'm in Windows XP Pro and using DD to image a disk and then pipe to
> > openssl to encrypt.  I'm using the -pass pass:'anotherpassword' switch to
> > make decryption by the user as easy as possible.  It looks like this:-
> > 
> > dd if=\\.\PhysicalDrive0 conv=noerror | openssl enc -aes-128-ecb -salt
> > -out encryptedfile.enc
> > 
> > I enter the passphrase when prompted and verify.
> > 
> > Encryption appears to work and I can see the SALTED line at the start of
> > the file in a Hexviewer.  
> > 
> > However when I try to decrypt using:-
> > 
> > openssl enc -d -aes-128-ecb -salt -in encryptedfile.enc -out finished.dd
> > 
> > and type in the passphrase..
> > 
> > I get the following:-
> > 
> > bad decrypt
> > 4064:error:00065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad
> > decrypt: .\crypto\evp\evp_enc.c:330:
> > 
> > I've seen alot of posts that say the passphrase is wrong however I and a
> > collegue have tried this 20 or 30 times with phrases from 123 to hello to
> > more complex.  We havent got it wrong each time!
> > 
> > When I look at the resultant file I can see NTFS at the start of the file
> > meaning it has sort of worked but when I hash compare the input and output
> > they are different so something hasnt worked.
> > 
> > I am well and truly stuck!
> > 

Other than the suggestion of trying smaller files first I'd suggest dd'ing to
a file too just in case the pipe causes some issues and/or binary stdin

Dr Stephen N. Henson. Email, S/MIME and PGP keys: see homepage
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