
I'm using the openssl and EVP_EncryptInit_ex, EVP_EncryptUpdate,
EVP_EncryptFinal_ex sequence to encrypt a a short message with 3des-cbc, but
i get an strange  problem. I expect if the data size is 8 bytes, the
encrypted data lenght is 8 bytes too, but i get 16 bytes. If the data size
is 16 bytes, the encrypted data length is 24 bytes. I'm sure that the data
size is 8 bytes, or 16 bytes, but i never get the expeted results, somebody
know why?
The command used in openssl:

openssl des3 -iv 1234567812345678 -K
0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA98765432100123456789ABCDEF  -in claro.txt -out

ls -l show 8 bytes in claro.txt, and 16 bytes in claro.bin

When i use the EVP_EncryptUpdate function, the strlen show 8 bytes in the
text message.


José Hidalgo C.
Ingeniero de Software
Akzio Consultores - http://www.akzio.cl
Huérfanos 669 of. 609 - Santiago
Ofi:(+56)(2)6320567 - Cel:(+56)(9)88377088

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