Andrew Sumner wrote:
The client can then send messages to the server worker process using SSL_write, and the worker receives them ok. However, when the worker sends something to the client, nothing comes through - SSL_read fails.

In summary, is there any way of closing an SSL session on a socket, then opening a brand new one?

If hope I understand the problem correctly (from your original email and the nature of the responses of others on the issue).

You can keep an underlying TCP connection and reuse it for different SSL sessions (where each SSL session has exclusive use of the underlying TCP socket while that SSL session is active/open). So TCP socket stays open a long time and sequentially an SSL session is created over it, used, then closed, then the socket becomes idle again and can be used to open a new SSL session. Rinse, repeat.

You can't take an already open SSL session and hand it to another process. Technically there is no reason why this can't be done (theoretically) if OpenSSL could freeze the entire active SSL handle state to a binary data blob, which was then conveyed to another process to be thawed. Seems like a lot of work for someone to implement and maybe not many users in need of it.

You may be able to take an already open TCP socket handle and hand it to another process. Unix has a file descriptor passing mechanism to achieve this, Windows I'm not so sure on and would like to know myself if this is possible maybe tweaking handle ACLs and such ?

The underlying application protocol needs to either be a client/server relationship (where the client is always in control of what happens next, such as the STARTTLS/STOPTLS case).

You just need to understand how SSL_shutdown() works, you need to perform a full shutdown where both ends acknowledge the session is over in both directions and all further data until further notice is cleartext.

It may also be helpful to call SSL_set_read_ahead(ssl, 0) to disable readahead optimization just before you issue the SSL_shutdown(ssl). So that the only bytes read out of the socket are SSL protocol and any bytes behind are ready to be picked up by your application (and not accidentally eaten by OpenSSL library trying to bulk read data in to optimize SSL_read() performance).

Of course if there is any kind of SSL protocol error (which should be a rare occurrence) the easiest way out is to drop the socket and cleanup your SSL library handles. Rather than try to have some way of re-synchronize the application.

The SSL_shutdown() recently had a patch to fix a problem with non-blocking I/O and some scenarios I had been able to observe where data was not correctly flushed to the kernel/lower-layer from OpenSSL during shutdown handling when trying to re-used the underlying data channel for a future SSL session.

The SSL_shutdown() command once issued effectively closes the write half of the bi-directional SSL stream, the other end's application should get notification of this and issue its own SSL_shutdown() which closes the write half of the bi-direction SSL stream (from the far end), then once your local end get notification of receiving this (by SSL_shutdown(ssl) returning 0) you know that it's safe to disconnect the socket/fd from OpenSSL handle and cleanup SSL structure (while hanging onto the still open socket/fd).

During your wait after having called SSL_shutdown(ssl) at least once and you now wait for SSL_shutdown() to return 0. You should also attempt to SSL_read() and discard any data read in (unless you really do have a use for it), it maybe possible for the far end send application data and if you don't do SSL_read() you will never see the "SSL shutdown packet" that the SSL_shutdown() function is waiting for to be able to return 0.

This may happen with regular SMTP servers where the server end had a connection idle timeout at exactly the same moment the client end issued a SSL_shutdown(). Many SMTP server send some kind of "XXX Shutdown due to idle timeout." message just before closing the socket. For many client-server protocols however it is not usually possible for the server end to spontaneously send some application data because the client is usually in 100% control of what the server does (I suppose IMAP4 can!).

Hope this helps,

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