not-yet-commons-ssl-0.3.11.jar can accomplish what you are trying to
do.  Details here:

java -cp not-yet-commons-ssl-0.3.11.jar org.apache.commons.ssl.KeyStoreBuilder

KeyStoreBuilder converts PKCS12 and PKCS8 to Java "Keystore"

KeyStoreBuilder:  creates '[alias].jks' (Java Key Store)
    -topk8 mode:  creates '[alias].pem' (x509 chain + unencrypted pkcs8)
[alias] will be set to the first CN value of the X509 certificate.
Usage1: [password] [file:pkcs12]
Usage2: [password] [file:private-key] [file:certificate-chain]
Usage3: -topk8 [password] [file:jks]
[private-key] can be openssl format, or pkcs8.
[password] decrypts [private-key], and also encrypts outputted JKS file.
All files can be PEM or DER.

You can download it here:

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 4:37 AM, Mohan Radhakrishnan
<> wrote:
> Not it does not look like I need OpenSSL. The following Java command
> could import the entire chain.
> keytool -import -alias visaftpsflux -file visacertificateedited.cer
> -trustcacerts -keystore FSSNABMAPSVISA.jks -storepass password
> Further testing is required.
> Mohan
> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 4:24 PM, Mohan
> Radhakrishnan<> wrote:
>> What is the link between the existing key's alias and the alias used
>> while importing the CA-root and sub-root certificates ?
>> The CA-root and sub-root certificates have been imported with new
>> aliases. The old alias throws an error.
>> Thanks,
>> Mohan
>> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Mohan
>> Radhakrishnan<> wrote:
>>> I have an ASCII text file with a chain of certificates. I had earlier
>>> sent a CSR and got these certificates back from the CA.
>>> When I opened the ASCII file I see some text before and after ---BEGIN
>>> I removed this test because they were file names like
>>> CASubroot.pem.txt, CArootpem.txt etc.
>>> I tried to use openssl to convert these .pem certificates to .der. It
>>> didn't work. I am sure I am doing something wrong.
>>> How do I load these certificates into the Java KeyStore ? Since these
>>> are certificates signing my CSR I am going to load
>>> them back to the Java KeyStore( Not the TrustStore ).
>>> Can anyone throw some light on this procedure ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mohan
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