> From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of Klaus Heinrich Kiwi
> Sent: Wednesday, 23 September, 2009 15:59

> I noted that when generating a RSA public key pair using a 
> non-standard public exponent (particularly, 65538, or 0x01, 
> 0x00,0x02), the RSA_generate_key never returns, and the 
> program keeps using 100% CPU until I kill it.
> My question is: Is this behavior expected? If some non-standard publ. 
> exponent is problematic, shouldn't we abort with error before 
> attempting to use it?
RSA doesn't work if e (or d) has any common factors with phi(m) 
= IIRC LCM(p-1,q-1). If this happens, the code just tries again.

This means there are no p,q for which any even e can work, 
hence the infinite loop. As mentioned on the man page, BTW.

For an e with a factor small but greater than 2, many p,q 
won't work but some will. Is this a desirable case? I don't know.
The popular standard e (3 and 65537) were chosen to be (odd) primes 
and for the latter the chance of a keygen try failing is tiny.

> Or, to put it in another way, should the caller validate the 
> public exponent before issuing RSA_generate_key(), to avoid a 
> potential DoS?
If you're going to accept e from an untrustworthy source, probably.

Or it appears you can use the callback to impose a limit on the 
number of tries, amount of time, etc. as you consider appropriate.

If you allow large e (any significant fraction of the modulus size) 
it might be a covert channel for the keygen-requestor to leak info 
(if the requestor is malicious against its owner, apparently not 
you if you are worried about attacks by the owner against you).
I'd also worry whether there is a way for malicious requestor 
to choose e such that it assists or enables later side-channel 
attacks against encryptors or verifiers using the resulting 
publickey, but I don't know enough to analyze for that.

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