Can someone comment on why this fails on windows? I too observed that the
decryption does not result in the original plain text on windows.

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 5:58 AM, Lutz Jaenicke <> wrote:

> Forwarded to openssl-users for public discussion.
> Best regards,
>        Lutz
> ----- Forwarded message from User User <> -----
> From: User User <>
> To:
> Subject: Build incorrect crypt/decrypt in Win32. x86. MSVC 2003. MinGW.
> Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 07:46:40 +0400
> Reply-To: User User <>
>  Hello openssl Hackers.
> I am beginner in openssl. Learn for wrote simple crypto_test.cpp  program.
> Test it under CentOS, FreeBSD and Win32.
> Linux,BSD work fine, but windows builds uncorrect.
> Build in MS VC .Net 2003 and MingGW, both not work in crypt/decrypt cycles
> correctly.
> Send code in attach, and openssl makefile and simple description in
> I can't understand. is it a bug or my build problems.
> Please, show right way.
> Thank you.
> Nick.
> ------------------------
> --[ FreeBSD ]--
> ./crypto_test -e plaintext encypt.bsd 123
> ./crypto_test -d encypt.bsd plaintext.out.bsd 123
> ./openssl dgst -rmd160 plaintext encypt.bsd plaintext.out.bsd
> RIPEMD160(plaintext)            =
> d7ca608f0430c3248527572662af5e50d93e87ca
> RIPEMD160(encypt.bsd)   =        9a465d7a2304833f0d7a967ce5a04687b7350441
> RIPEMD160(plaintext.out.bsd)    =
>  d7ca608f0430c3248527572662af5e50d93e87ca
> --[ WIN32 ]--
> crypto_test.exe -e plaintext encrypt.w32 123
> crypto_test.exe -d encrypt.w32 plaintext.out.w32 123
> openssl.exe dgst -rmd160 plaintext encrypt.w32 plaintext.out.w32
> RIPEMD160(plaintext)            =
> d7ca608f0430c3248527572662af5e50d93e87ca
> RIPEMD160(encrypt.w32)  =        e1ae968afaa4fa259a4f81012804769fe2d13dd6
> RIPEMD160(plaintext.out.w32)    =
>  753e049eb8c31e2116e575402db6f7dd7abdbfa1
> ------------------------] Code of crypto_test.cpp
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <openssl/err.h>
> #include <openssl/bio.h>
> #include <openssl/evp.h>
> #define         BUF_SIZE        32767
> int enc(char* fin, char* fout, unsigned char* key);
> int dec(char* fin, char* fout, unsigned char* key);
> int main(int argc, char* argv[])
> {
>        ERR_load_crypto_strings();
>        if(argc<5){
>                printf("Need more args:\n\t1 -  -e/-d\n\t2 - file_in\n\t3 -
> file_out\n\t4 - pass\n\t");
>                exit(0);
>        }
>        int ret =0;
>        if(!strcmp(argv[1], "-e")){
>                ret = enc(argv[2], argv[3], (unsigned char*)argv[4]);
>        }else if(!strcmp(argv[1], "-d")){
>                ret = dec(argv[2], argv[3], (unsigned char*)argv[4]);
>        }else{
>                printf("Unknown direction: %s\n",argv[1]);
>                exit(0);
>        }
>        if(!ret)
>                printf("Completed\n");
>        else
>                printf("Error:%d",ret);
>        ERR_free_strings();
>        return ret;
> }
> int enc(char* fin, char* fout, unsigned char* key){
>        int ret = 0;
>        printf("Mode ENCRYPT\n");
>        BIO *bin = BIO_new_file(fin, "r");
>        if(!bin){
>                ret = ERR_get_error();
>                printf("Decryption failed,
> reason:%s\n",ERR_reason_error_string(ret));
>                return ret;
>        }
>        BIO *bout = BIO_new_file(fout, "w");
>        if(!bout)
>                return ERR_get_error();
>        BIO* cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher());
>        BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_bf_ecb(), key, 0, 1);
>        BIO_push(cipher, bout);
>        void* buff = malloc(BUF_SIZE+1);
>        int rlen = 0, written =0;
>        do{
>                memset(buff, 0, BUF_SIZE+1);
>                if(!(rlen=BIO_read(bin, buff, sizeof(buff))) ){
>                        break;
>                }
>                if( (written = BIO_write(cipher, buff,
> (int)strlen((char*)buff)) ) <=0 ){
>                        ret = ERR_get_error();
>                        printf("Encryption failed,
> reason:%s\n",ERR_reason_error_string(ret));
>                        break;
>                }
>        }while(1);
>        free(buff);
>        BIO_flush(cipher);
>        BIO_free_all(cipher);
>        return ret;
> }
> int dec(char* fin, char* fout, unsigned char* key){
>        int ret = 0;
>        printf("Mode DECRYPT\n");
>        BIO *bin = BIO_new_file(fin, "r");
>        if(!bin)
>                return ERR_get_error();
>        BIO *bout = BIO_new_file(fout, "w");
>        if(!bout)
>                return ERR_get_error();
>        BIO* cipher = BIO_new(BIO_f_cipher());
>        BIO_set_cipher(cipher, EVP_bf_ecb(), key, 0, 0);
>        BIO_push(cipher, bin);
>        void* buff = malloc(BUF_SIZE+1);
>        int rlen = 0, written =0;
>        do{
>                memset(buff, 0, BUF_SIZE+1);
>                if(!(rlen=BIO_read(cipher, buff, sizeof(buff))) ){
>                        break;
>                }
>                if(!BIO_get_cipher_status(cipher)){
>                        ret = ERR_get_error();
>                        printf("Decryption failed,
> reason:%s\n",ERR_reason_error_string(ret));
>                        break;
>                }
>                if( (written = BIO_write(bout, buff,
> (int)strlen((char*)buff)) ) <=0 ){
>                        ret = ERR_get_error();
>                        break;
>                }
>        }while(1);
>        free(buff);
>        BIO_flush(bout);
>        BIO_free_all(cipher);
>        return ret;
> }
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> --
> Lutz Jaenicke 
> OpenSSL Project
> ______________________________________________________________________
> OpenSSL Project                       
> User Support Mailing List          
> Automated List Manager                 

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