On Oct 25, 2009, at 2:57 PM, Carl Harris wrote:

I'm looking for an example of decoding the crlDistributionPoints extension; e.g. obtaining the specified URI (assuming that the value specifies a URI, that is). This seems like it should be easy. By digging around in the archives of this list, I've been able to figure out I can get the ASN.1-encoded value ... it seems like I want to go from ASN1_OCTET_STRING to a GENERAL_NAME structure, but I just can't seem to figure out how to get there.

Thanks to sbg for pointing out that I want d2i_CRL_DIST_POINTS. This returns STACK_OF(DIST_POINT), and it all comes together from there.

Here's a working snippet that, for a CRL Distribution Point extension that specifies a single URI-type distribution point name, extracts the value of the URI. Hopefully, this will be helpful to the next soul searching for details on how to do this.

int loc = X509_get_ext_by_NID(cert, NID_crl_distribution_points, -1);
    if (loc < 0) {
        /* CRL Distribution Point extension not present... bail out */

    X509_EXTENSION *ext = X509_get_ext(cert, loc);
    assert(ext != NULL);
    ASN1_STRING *s = X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext);
    const unsigned char *data = ASN1_STRING_data(s);
    long length = ASN1_STRING_length(s);
STACK_OF(DIST_POINT) *dps = d2i_CRL_DIST_POINTS(NULL, &data, length);
    if (dps == NULL) {
        /* some decoding error... bail out */

    assert(sk_DIST_POINT_num(dps) > 0);
    DIST_POINT *dp = sk_DIST_POINT_pop(dps);
    STACK_OF(GENERAL_NAME) *names = dp->distpoint->name.fullname;
    assert(sk_GENERAL_NAME_num(names) > 0);
    GENERAL_NAME *name = sk_GENERAL_NAME_pop(names);
    if (name->type == GEN_URI) {
        ASN1_IA5STRING *uri = name->d.uniformResourceIdentifier;
        /* do something with the URI value... */
    else {
        /* some other type of name... */

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