Hi, everyone.

I'm trying to enable session caching, but my server doesn't seem to send
a session ID.

According to
http://www.openssl.org/docs/ssl/SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context.html, all
I have to do is invoke SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context() with a pointer
to a string (or binary data) and the length of that string.  I've done
this and the desired session ID and length are correct in both the
SSL_CTX structure and (during SSL_accept) in the SSL structure.
However, in the Server Hello message, the session ID length is always
zero.  The client that connects shows a zero-length session ID, which
would seem to be consistent with not sendig an ID.  I'm using anonymous
TLS, so there are no certificates in the server context.

The code that I'm using to set up the context is:

   netSSLServerContextPtr = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_server_method());
   SSL_CTX_set_options(netSSLServerContextPtr, SSL_OP_ALL |
netSslSessionIdContext, sizeof(netSslSessionIdContext));
   SSL_CTX_set_mode(netSSLServerContextPtr, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY);

I've tried this with netSslSessionIdContext indicating both 17- and
ten-byte-long strings; neither work, so it seems not to be a string
length mismatch issue.

What have I missed?

Thanks very much,

Paul A. Suhler | Firmware Engineer | Quantum Corporation | Office:
949.856.7748 | paul.suh...@quantum.com 
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