Hi there Alexey

Many people will tell you to use the EVP stuff and quite frankly, they're
most likely right. However, I've not managed to figure out the EVP stuff so
I use the public_encrypt and private_decrypt functions instead. I have
written the following functions to encapsulate the functionality I need.
Adapt them as you like :-)
theEncryptor::generateRSAKeyPair(int bits)
    rsa = RSA_generate_key(bits, 65537, NULL, NULL);

theEncryptor::publicEncrypt(unsigned char* data, unsigned char*
dataEncrypted,int dataLen)
    return RSA_public_encrypt(dataLen, data, dataEncrypted, rsa,

theEncryptor::privateDecrypt(unsigned char* dataEncrypted,
                             unsigned char* dataDecrypted)
    return RSA_private_decrypt(RSA_size(rsa), dataEncrypted,
                                   dataDecrypted, rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);

Then since I am receiving a public key, I have a sockets framework:

theEncryptor::receivePublicKeyAndSetRSA(int sock, int bits)
    int max_hex_size = (bits / 4) + 1;
    char keybufA[max_hex_size];
    char keybufB[max_hex_size];
    int n = recv(sock,keybufA,max_hex_size,0);
    n = send(sock,"OK",2,0);
    n = recv(sock,keybufB,max_hex_size,0);
    n = send(sock,"OK",2,0);
    rsa = RSA_new();
    BN_hex2bn(&rsa->n, keybufA);
    BN_hex2bn(&rsa->e, keybufB);

theEncryptor::transmitPublicKey(int sock, int bits)
    const int max_hex_size = (bits / 4) + 1;
    long size = max_hex_size;
    char keyBufferA[size];
    char keyBufferB[size];
    int n = send(sock,keyBufferA,size,0);
    char recBuf[2];
    n = recv(sock,recBuf,2,0);
    n = send(sock,keyBufferB,size,0);
    n = recv(sock,recBuf,2,0);

Best Wishes,

On 20 January 2010 15:14, Alexey Luchko <l...@ank-sia.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm new to openssl.
> I need to encrypt and decrypt approx 1k block of data with rsa.
> What is recommended api for the case?
> I've found RSA_public_encrypt() and RSA_private_decrypt().
> It looks like a kind of low level api.
> But here I've got a problem with OAEP padding.
> Another one is EVP_PKEY_encrypt() and EVP_PKEY_decrypt().
> It is of a higher level.
> It encodes and decodes correctly only one block for me,
> but looks like it could operate on block of any size.
> And I've not found any use cases with google code search.
> It looks like I missed smth ;)
> Any advice is very welcome!
> --
> Thanks in advance,
> Alexey
> sms stands for save my soul
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Ben H D Jones

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