
I believe the "sane state" implied here is that if you call
SSL_get_error() some of the time and not all of the time, you may be
getting information about errors that happened any time in the past
for that SSL*.  It won't necessarily prevent OpenSSL from working
correctly, just your perception of it.

First, a little background.  Looking at SSL_get_error() in ssl_lib.c
and get_error_values() in err.c - which are the main functions for
retrieving error information - if no errors exist, these functions
just exist gracefully.  So, it never hurts to call immediately after
each SSL_read() or SSL_write() or other SSL function.

For people new to OpenSSL, I really recommend looking at the
s_client.c and s_server.c in the apps source folder.  These provide a
good foundation for writing code with OpenSSL.

Second,  I do not believe you are not obligated to use
SSL_get_error(), if you don't want to.  I don't necessarily recommend
it, but for simple and shortlived programs, this is an option.  In my
experience, it's more a case of apparent memory leakage caused by the
error stack, not an instability.

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 6:11 PM, Patrick M. Rutkowski
<> wrote:
> As an OpenSSL newbie, I'm trouble that the man pages for SSL_write()
> and SSL_read() don't stress that you should clear the error stack upon
> a failed call. They suggest you check SSL_get_error(), but they make
> no mention of clearing the error stack afterward, and I hear that
> clearing the error stack _every time_ is absolutely curtail to keeping
> OpenSSL in a sane state.
> Is it really the case that the error stack needs to be cleared, and
> the read/write docs just don't mention it?
> Or is it the case that the read/write docs don't mention it precisely
> because it's not important?
> -Patrick
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