On Fri, Feb 26, 2010, Alexei Soloview wrote:

> Hello!
> I try to check signature on PKCS7-structure(see attached file pkcs7.bin). 
> The following sequence of commands is performed:
> openssl pkcs7 -in pkcs7.bin -inform DER -outform PEM -out pkcs7.PEM
> openssl smime -verify -in pkcs7.PEM -inform pem -noverify  1>pkcs7.data 
> Verification failure
> 3980:error:2107C080:PKCS7 routines:PKCS7_get0_signers:signer certificate not
> found:.\crypto\pkcs7\pk7_smime.c:378:
> OpenSSL says that it cannot find signer certificate.  But output of command
> openssl asn1parse -inform DER -in pkcs7.bin
> shows that certificate is present.
> What's wrong?

The PKCS#7 structure is broken. In OpenSSL 1.0 you can see this clearly with
the command:

openssl -cmsout -in pkcs7.bin -inform DER -noout -print

The signerInfo structure points to the signer's certificate:

         version: 1
      issuer: CN=CSCA, O=assa abloy itg, C=de
      serialNumber: 1

While the certificate itself has:

issuer: C=de, O=assa abloy itg, CN=CSCA

The ordering is reversed: order is significant in DNs so the two do not match.

Dr Stephen N. Henson. OpenSSL project core developer.
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