Actually I got some error when connect ssl server by this way   . I've created
a self-signed certificate

# openssl s_client -ssl3 -connect -verify 10 -showcerts -cert
/home/myCA/certs/client.pem -key /home/myCA/private/client.pem -CAfile
/home/myCA/certs/myca.pem -msg -debug

>> verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate

     verify error:num=27:certificate not trusted
     verify error:num=21:unable to verify the first certificate

     No client certificate CA names sent
>> Verify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate)

I have no idea how to send client cercificate CA names ...

2010/4/29 Vladimir Belov <ml.vladimbe...@gmail.com>

> I think there is no such file yet. I could be mistaken.
> For what do you need this file? Do you want to know how to create a
> self-signed test certificate  or something else?

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