When I run openssl rsa to display my public key info. I see this below. How
do I convert this output to a byte array? What is this output? Is it ascii
or base64?


















On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 3:08 PM, Dave Thompson <dthomp...@prinpay.com>wrote:

> >       From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of Chuck Pareto
> >       Sent: Sunday, 23 May, 2010 22:06
> >       I'm a newbie when it comes to RSA, the last time I learned it was
> > in school over 7 years ago in one lecture.
> >       Maybe I'm missing something but I will try to explain my problem
> again.
> >       A former co worker generated a public and private key for our
> group.
> > (I think he used PGP but not sure).
> >       So I have the 2 .pem files he created. So far so good..
> >       Now, he's using openssl rsautl to encrypt and decrypt strings ...
> >       He's calling openssl rsautl from a c# script ...
> >       Now here is what I want to do. I want to use c#'s built in rsa
> class
> > to encrypt and decrypt these strings instead of [calling] openssl rsautl.
> Note: directly encrypting data (strings or other) with RSA is limited
> to somewhat less than the "key size" (more exactly, the modulus size).
> For a typical 1024-bit modulus this is about 100 bytes or maybe less.
> Most modern crypto schemes encrypt data which can be (almost) any size
> by a symmetric cipher (well-known ones are RC4, DES/3DES, and AES;
> there are more) using a random key, and encrypt that random data-key
> (which is inherently smallish, usually 8 or 16 bytes) using RSA.
> The recipient decrypts the data-key using RSA (and a longterm RSA key),
> and (then) the data using the symmetric cipher and the data-key.
> Unless your co-worker had a good reason for using RSA directly, this is
> often a sign of someone without appropriate knowledge "sprinkling on"
> security like magic dust, which has often led to insecure products.
> I can't know if that's true in your case, but it is a risk.
> >       On this link below there is an example of c# calling and ecrypting
> > with a public key, you don't have to go to this link..just for reference.
> >       http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/
> > system.security.cryptography.rsacryptoserviceprovider.encrypt.aspx
> (broken for mail)
> >       If I try to remove [setting .Exponent] it throws an error.
> > So I am guessing that a exponent needs to
> >       be defined in order to encrypt a message????Yes, no, I'm missing
> something..
> >       In your response to my first email, you said e and n are needed for
> encrypting.
> > If there is no e being passed in as an argument to openssl rsautl, what
> is
> > the default e? and what is the default n?
> e,n,d are common notation (shorthand) for the (Public)Exponent, Modulus,
> and PrivateExponent, so setting .Modulus and .Exponent of RSAKeyInfo
> which is then 'Import'ed to the Provider before that is used amounts
> to passing n and e. That example code confirms that the exponent is
> {1,0,1} *as a byte array*, thus 65537 or F4, as I guessed. Yes those
> two are needed and nothing else (except the data) for encrypt.
> For openssl rsautl (and other utilities) the public or private
> key as applicable is read from (or written to) a file, either
> a PEM file as you have or the (less robust) DER format. In your
> case, public.pem must be an RSA pubkey containing e and n, aka
> Exponent and Modulus, as you can see with the command I gave:
>   openssl rsa -in public.pem -pubin -noout -text
> Your second .pem should be privkey; guessing it's private.pem:
>  openssl rsa -in private.pem -noout -text # note no -pubin
> will similarly show you the additional fields in a privkey
> (p,q=prime1,2; dP,dQ=exponent1,2; qInv=coefficient). Since
> the RSA pubkey is a subset of the (usual=PKCS1) privkey,
> rsautl -encrypt can use either; but in any sensible use,
> you would give only the pubkey, not the privkey, to the
> people/systems that (you want to) do encryption.
> When an RSA keypair is *generated*, there can be a default for
> e, since it is not secret and should be small for efficiency.
> F4 as in the code example is popular, and is openssl's default.
> Maybe openpgp too, if your 'think' is correct; I don't know.
> But once a key exists you should use the e in the key and not
> assume or require it to be any particular or default value.
> Aside: that Encrypt example shows encrypting the key and IV from a
> RijndaelManaged object. Rijndael is for practical purposes AES, so
> this would be consistent with the usual scheme as I described above
> (encrypt data with AES=Rijndael, and encrypt data-key with RSA),
> although I have no idea what the 'Managed' adds to the picture.
> On the other hand, encrypting the IV is not needed and rarely if
> ever done. The example isn't complete and doesn't show using the
> results, so it could be they mean to encrypt IV just as an example
> of multiple operations and then discard that result. It would be
> better if they had some comments or explanation though.
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