Most of the commercial CAs won't issue a timestamping certificate,
because it would be too easy to forge a time in the past.  Thawte,
Verisign, and Startcom all offer their own timestamping services,
which are accurate (within the tolerances of GPS and NTP).  Startcom's
timestamping server is located at,
which can be accessed with Microsoft's signtool.exe.  The invocation:
signtool.exe /v /d <My Project> /f <My PFX file> /p <My PFX Password>
/tr ""; <My EXE File>

If you wish to timestamp other things, you can create a client around RFC3161.

-Kyle H

2010/5/30 Māris Ruskulis <>:
> Hello! Our company currently implementing TSA (Time Stamp Atuhority)
> service. And now we are searching CA (Certification Authority), which could
> issue certificate with  intended usage: Timestamping. I contacted with few
> CA's, but they offer just Digital ID sertificates, and know nothing about
> TSA.
> Thank You!
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