Thanks for your help, Jacob.

Where can I find your signing tools? A quick Google search
revealed no useful links.

Alternatively, can you suggest me how to complete the original
ASN.1 structures so as to add the explicit [0] tag? I have already
searched the official OpenSSL documentation for some clues, but I
have found nothing of interest (moreover, this is the first time
I use the OpenSSL library in one of my projects).

Thanks in advance,
Alessandro Menti

----- Original structures -----
typedef struct {
    ASN1_OBJECT *type;
    ASN1_OCTET_STRING *data;
} TimeStampContentInfo;

typedef struct {
    ASN1_OBJECT *countersignatureType;
    TimeStampContentInfo *content;
} TimeStampRequest;

ASN1_SEQUENCE(TimeStampContentInfo) = {
    ASN1_SIMPLE(TimeStampContentInfo, type, ASN1_OBJECT),
    ASN1_EXP_OPT(TimeStampContentInfo, data, ASN1_OCTET_STRING, 0)
} ASN1_SEQUENCE_END(TimeStampContentInfo)

ASN1_SEQUENCE(TimeStampRequest) = {
    ASN1_SIMPLE(TimeStampRequest, countersignatureType, ASN1_OBJECT),
    ASN1_SIMPLE(TimeStampRequest, content, TimeStampContentInfo)
} ASN1_SEQUENCE_END(TimeStampRequest)
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