I noticed that our CA store (/usr/local/ssl/cacert.pem) was pretty old, with
some expired certificates in it, etc.

I exported the certificate list out of a Windows firefox and put that in place
and I thought things were fine.  I did 'openssl verify' on a few of our
certificates from different vendors and all looked good.

Every certificate in this new CA list gave output from 'openssl x509 -text'
without complaint.

Then I found that people complained that alpine didn't work.  That's a mail
client to our imap server.  It was compiled with the openssl library.  alpine
is out of the University of Washington, and their distribution site says they
only take questions from their own population.

The problem is that when it is starting, it binds up in STARTTLS.  I checked
that 'openssl verify' still worked on the mail server certificate against the
new CA list.  I found that if I cut down our CA list to the certs for the
issuing CA, that alpine worked ok as well.  Actually, lots of certs can be in
the CA list, but not all of them.  Maybe I could use trial and error and snip
out some of the ~200 of them and run with the remaining list that alpine still

By "binding up", it keeps displaying a changing pattern indicating "I'm working
on it", so it's not a loop in openssl; it must be returning to alpine to let it
do its display before trying again, or whatever it's doing.

I guess I could cut the CA list down to CAs we used on campus, but applications
that reach across the Internet might have issues.  I guess people may have been
already having issues with expired CA certs in that prior list, of course.

Anyway, it smells like something that a memory management problem would cause,
like not leaving enough space for a certificate, or issuer name, or subject
name, or something.  However, I don't know how alpine could cause such
interference with openssl.

We had been using an old alpine, v1.10, but I grabbed v2.00 and compiled and
linked it with current openssl and it has the same symptoms.

Can anyone suggest how a program using the openssl libraries to verify
certificates could do something that would trash the verification process?

I'm sorry to bother the list with this, but it would really help me to focus on
a particular set of calls, since the alternative is trying to both debug alpine
while learning the openssl calls as well.
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