Hello everybody

Several months ago I developed an OpenSSL PKCS#11 engine for Windows XP and
it worked ok (it was compiled with MinGW).
Now I'm trying to compile it on Linux (Debian 5 with GCC 4.3.1) but I have
the next problem:

In the overwritten function *rsa_keygen* (whose signature is *int rsa_keygen
(RSA *rsa, int bits, BIGNUM *e, BN_GENCB *cb)*) always when the function
ends (after the return instrucction) System reports me *Segmentation Fault*.
What I do is:

   1. I generate the RSA key with PKCS#11.
   2. I get the public part of the key from the device.
   3. I store this information in the *rsa* variable (I don't do memory
   allocation or *RSA_new ()* invoke, I supose rsa variable is initialized).
   If I do memory allocation or I invoke *RSA_new ()* I get the same error.
   4. Finally I return 1 if the process ends ok and -1 in case of error
   (PKCS#11 error).

And when the function ends I get "Segmentation fault" and I don't know why.

The OpenSSL version is 1.0.0a (I compiled it from source code).


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