On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 5:01 PM, Welling, Conrad Gerhart
<conrad.gerhart.well...@saic.com> wrote:
> My team just received a directive from our customer to "start using SHA-2"
> immediately.  Yes, in effect, the directive is that vague, and, no, details
> have not been forthcoming!  So, I intend to tell my superiors that our
> product - which uses HTTPS provided by libCurl built with OpenSSL to xfer
> files to/from clients - currently SATISFIES this directive because it is
> able to authenticate server certificates which have a digest created with
> SHA-2.  In addition, if asked, I will tell them that a SHA-1 hash inside
> each encrypted message transported by SSL is satisfactory and should not be
> considered subject to the directive, unless explicitly told otherwise.  In
> other words, I intend to assert that the only “place” in
> server-authenticated HTTPS where SHA-2 has crypto-significance is in
> certificate authentication.  Is my assessment correct?  Thanks.
It seems pretty clear that your customer wants SHA-2. So I'm going to
say, NO, the assessment is not correct. Presuming the requirement is
coming from NIST, it is effective January 1 and means that a security
level of 112 bits or higher is required. See SP 800-57 and SP 800-131.

So SHA-1 is out for all but Key Derivation (see SP 800-57, Part I,
Table 3, p. 64). SHA-224 and higher are in. 3-key Triple DES and AES
are approved; but 2-key Triple DES is out since it only affords 80
bits of security.

Also, according to NIST, certificates should now use moduli of 2048
bits. There's a patch waiting if you are interested:

In WWW land (wild, wild, web), all bets are off as long as the
e-commerce is flowing.

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  • SHA-2 Directive Welling, Conrad Gerhart
    • Re: SHA-2 Directive Jeffrey Walton

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