
First step - well before placing your certificates correctly, is to be sure 
your PostgreSQL _server_ has been compiled with SSL support. From that message, 
it seems it isn't... 

>From there, you have to place all the certificates and keys in correct 
>locations - but I think you're not quite there yet. 

To get yourself going, why not first set up a pg_hba.conf configuration using 
hostssl, but skip the certificate usage for the moment... Probably a bit to 
handle all at once; SSL plus the certificate authentication all in one go... 

Lou Picciano 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Patricola" <david.patric...@jefferson.edu> 
To: openssl-users@openssl.org 
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 4:10:10 PM 
Subject: RE: First time attempting PostgreSQL SSL 

I found an excellent tutorial on this: 

I followed the instructions perfectly, and used my client computer's IP 
address as the CA. Here's my setup so far: 

On the server: 

- In Postgre data/ I have the server.crt and server.key files 
- pg_hba.conf has hostssl all all 
myipaddress/32 cert 
- postgresql.conf has ssl = on 
- I restarted the service and it connected. 

On the client: 

- In my %appdata%/postgresql folder I have postgresql.crt, 
postgresql.csr, postgresql.key and root.crt 

After this, I try to connect to the server again from my client box and it 
says "server does not support SSL, but SSL is required". Would this be a 
Postgre issue or did I not put a certificate file correctly somewhere? 

-----Original Message----- 
From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org 
[mailto:owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org] On Behalf Of Alan Buxey 
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 3:21 PM 
To: openssl-users@openssl.org 
Subject: Re: First time attempting PostgreSQL SSL 

> I’m new as can be with creating SSL certificates on my own. I 
> the openssl binary and installed it. The instructions and tutorials on 
> the website don’t help me much in terms of steps A,B,C; this could also 
> due to a lack of familiarity with technical terms used for each part of 
> this. The only thing I did accomplish is the following 
> openssl req -out CSR.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout 
> privateKey.key 
> I now have a privateKey and CSR file in the openssl/bin folder. Beyond 
> this I do not know what goes where. I’m on Windows 2003 (server) and 
> Windows XP (client). I know what to change in the PostgreSQL config 
> do not know if PostgreSQL implicitly knows that a certificate exists, 
> what the client box should have. 

you probably want to check the postgreSQL documentation for where and how to 
use the certs - as this is not specific to OpenSSL. 

anyway, in general terms...you now have a private key - good, the PSQL 
would have that.... you need to get your CSR signed by a CA that the client 
knows..... you then would configure PSQL to use the public version of the 
signed CSR - usually a DER or PEM file by that point. at this point, 
its just like a client talking to an SSL'd web server (or any other 
client connects, gets given the cert...which it trusts (because of CA) and 
then SLS tunnel gets made. data is transferred over that tunnel. 

OpenSSL Project http://www.openssl.org 
User Support Mailing List openssl-users@openssl.org 
Automated List Manager majord...@openssl.org 

OpenSSL Project http://www.openssl.org 
User Support Mailing List openssl-users@openssl.org 
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