int RSA_generate_key_ex(RSA *rsa, int bits, BIGNUM *e_value, BN_GENCB *cb)
"I would like to call this function to generate the same public/private key 
everytime. "
I do not sure what exactly want.I suppose that you want everytime you called 
theRSA_generate_key_exwith same parameters and you can get same RSA key pair.

The only randomness in rsa-key generation is the generation of 'p' and 'q' 
,which calls theBN_generate_prime_ex.
BN_generate_prime_ex will generate a random prime by your bits parameter.

So my idea is to rewrite theBN_generate_prime_ex function, caching the prime 
that was generated.(rewriting this function may influence other functions that 
call it,so i recommend to write your own version of this funcition and modify 
the code inRSA_generate_key_ex).

Also you may rewrite theRSA_generate_key_ex,caching the RSA key.

At 2011-02-01 09:37:09,"Ashwin Chandra" <> wrote:

I would like to call this function to generate the same public/private key 

I thought all I had to do was create the same seed using RAND_seed each time, 
however I still keep getting different key pairs.


Is there any way to have RSA_generate_key generate the same public/private key 
each time? (I know this doesn’t make sense security wise, but the work I have 
to do requires it).



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