On 30 Mar 2011, at 9:59 AM, luis hernandez wrote:
> i get a file with a signed base64 string produced using the following 
> commands:
> openssl dgs -md5 -sign key.pem stringtosign.txt | openssl enc -base64 -A > 
> signedbase64string.txt
> that signed string is part of a text file that includes the certificate in 
> pem format without the public key. 
> from that file i can get the original stringtosign.txt but because the key 
> belongs to the owner and i can not have it. 
> is it possible to verify that the signedbase64string is correct only with the 
> information i have?

The certificate contains the public part of the key (as well as some other 
information), which allows you to verify the signature. I think the "-verify" 
argument to dgst will do what you want.

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