On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 3:53 AM, Dave Thompson <dthomp...@prinpay.com>wrote:

> Aside: If the "-in" file contains both the cert and the privatekey,
> you don't need to provide "-inkey" in addition.
> But the error is that the cert and privatekey don't match.
> At least one of these files is not what you think it is.
> Basic things first: make sure you're in the correct directory,

I am afraid to let you know that, I cannot understand the actual meaning of
"correct directory". What does it means? My all .pem files are in one
directory of my /home  and openssl is installed by default, as I am using
Ubuntu 10.10.

> and have the correct version(s) of the files

"correct versions"? :(

> -- did you perhaps
> try more than once to generate and/or obtain a cert?

No, I didn't! Cert was generated once.

> If Unix, make sure no filename is a symlink to the wrong place.
> Is there more than one cert in "filename.pem"? Perhaps you
> put the whole chain in there?

Yes, every .pem files are there in same directory. All private keys and

> Try making sure the entity cert --
> the one for the key -- is first, or perhaps better only.
> Is the cert correctly marked with BEGIN and END lines?

Yes they are properly wrapped.

> Try openssl x509 -in (certfile.pem) -noout -text

When I go to load my certificate file ( which is concatenated with private
key ) shows me the error:
unable to load certificate
7937:error:0906D066:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:bad end line:pem_lib.c:749:*

and openssl rsa -in (privkey.pem) -noout -text

Showing modulus, privateExponent, prime1, prime2.....


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