>> Hi,
 >> I am developing and application using OpenSSL. I have a proprietary system
 >> to handle connection/read data from sockets. All I need to do is to pass
 >> callback functions to the system to 
 >>             1. Handle new connection
 >>             2. Read data on the given port
 >> Now while I use OpenSSL, I need to use SSL_connect and SSL_accept to do the
 >> handshake. But these calls are blocking and also use the sockets directly.
 >> Is there any way to use the library so that it works as a event-based
 >> handshake.
 >Actually they aren't blocking and don't use sockets directly. They use a BIO
 >I/O abstraction. Your problem can be resolved by either writing your own BIO
 >or using BIO pairs. See the archives for discussion of these concepts.

Can you show us the source code. Paste it into pastebin.org.


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