On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 2:52 PM, G S <stokest...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I have an iPhone app that retrieves database info by issuing HTTP GETs to
> PHP pages on a server.  All I want to do is encrypt the parameters sent in
> the URL, to prevent people from spoofing our app and abusing our database
> (most likely with spam).  I've seen people ask this question in forums, and
> they usually get barraged with questions about why they want to do it,
> rather than answers.  Let me try to head a few off:
> 1. It's neither practical nor necessary to maintain sessions on the server.
> We're not using cookies, certificates, or HTTPS.  I don't even need the
> returned data to be encrypted (it's just DB queries coming back as XML).
> 2. I can't use GnuPG because of its license.
> 3. I want to use a public-key mechanism because the key will be sent in the
> clear from DB to app; I don't want to try to hide a private key in the app
> itself.
> As I understand it, the typical procedure is as follows:
> 1. Generate a random key and initialization vector to encrypt the block of
> text.
> 2. Encrypt that random key with the RSA public key.
> 3. Encrypt the data payload with the random key and IV, using Blowfish or
> other encryption.
> 4. Send the encrypted data payload, encrypted random key, and IV to the
> server for decryption.
> I think I'm nearly there: I'm generating a random key and IV; I have the
> public key coming back from the database and being loaded with
> PEM_read_bio_RSA_PUBKEY().  Now I guess I need to use the EVP_encrypt
> functions to encrypt the payload, but how do you calculate the size of the
> output buffer that's required for the encrypted data?
> I assume a normal next step is to add the encrypted key, IV, and encrypted
> payload as parameters in the HTTP GET and unravel all this using appropriate
> functions (and the private RSA key) in PHP on the server.  Correct?

I'm probably being obtuse here, but I don't see how encrypting your
request with a public key would help you with your original problem.

What stops a rogue app from doing the same encryption?

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