By default OpenSSL itself works with sockets. I would want to implement 
operation with sockets without admitting it to OpenSSL. I.e. for example, when 
OpenSSL wants to write down something in a socket, it should cause my function 
and I will transfer data to the socket. And it is exact also obtaining the data 
from a socket I cause a function of OpenSSL, transferring to it the data 
accepted from a socket.
I.e. I implement function WriteSocket. When OpenSSL wants to write something in 
a socket, it causes WriteSocket and nothing more it should disturb. When the 
data from a socket has come I send notification message OpenSSL about that the 
data has come, actually I cause function of OpenSSL ReadSocket, transferring it 
the buffer with the come data. I.e. any operations of waiting of reading 
OpenSSL is not necessary to do, it has sent the data and can easy smoke a 
bamboo, expecting when I will cause ReadSocket.

Whether is it possible to implement? I have read in the documentation about 
BIO-functions, and could not understand  is it possible to implement or not.

Thanks for any help or suggestions.


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