Dear Users,

I have released version 4.40 of stunnel.

The ChangeLog entry:

Version 4.40, 2011.07.23, urgency: LOW:
* New Win32 features
  - Added a GUI menu to save cached peer certificate chains.
  - Added "-exit" option to stop stunnel *not* running as a service.
    This option may be useful for scripts.
  - Added file version information to stunnel.exe.
  - A number of other GUI improvements.
* Other new features
- Hardcoded 2048-bit DH parameters are used as a fallback if DH parameters
    are not provided in stunnel.pem.
  - Default "ciphers" value updated to prefer ECDH:
  - Default ECDH curve updated to "prime256v1".
- Removed support for temporary RSA keys (used in obsolete export ciphers).

Home page:

SHA-256 hash for stunnel-4.40.tar.gz:

Best regards,

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