Perhaps, I am answering the wrong question but I use the following makefile 
receipts to do what I understand from your question:


trusted.cert.pem: $(ROOTCA)/root.root.crt.pem  \


      $(RM) -f $@

      cat $^ >$@


server.pfx: server.root.crt.pem     \

            server.key.sec.pem     \


      openssl pkcs12                                 \

                -export                              \

                -passout pass:$(PFXPASS)             \

                -in $<                               \

                -inkey $(filter %sec.pem,$^)         \

                -certfile $(filter %cert.pem,$^)     \

                -out $@


client.pfx: client.$(subCA).crt.pem \

            client.key.sec.pem     \


      openssl pkcs12                                 \

                -export                              \

                -passout pass:$(PFXPASS)             \

                -in $<                               \

                -inkey $(filter %sec.pem,$^)         \

                -certfile $(filter %cert.pem,$^)     \

                -out $@



From: [] 
On Behalf Of Travis Dimmig
Sent: Mittwoch, 17. August 2011 15:11
Subject: RE: combined certificate


Perhaps I am asking the wrong question.  Files types aside, can one create a 
single file that can be used to install a full chain of trust on a windows 





From: [] 
On Behalf Of Travis Dimmig
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 3:08 PM
Subject: combined certificate


Can a .der file be combined with a .p12 file to install the full chain of trust 
with one file?



Travis Dimmig

Software Development Specialist

Impulse Point 


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