Hodie III Kal. Sep. MMXI, Jakob Bohm scripsit:
> On 8/30/2011 3:29 AM, Dave Thompson wrote:
> >...
> >That sounds like the keyUsage bit dataEncipherment, and OpenSSL CA
> >can set it. But SSL never *does* dataEncipherment using a
> >certificate/key, so this bit should not be needed or make any
> >difference.
> Small correction: SSL/TLS never does dataEncipherment with *client*
> certificates, and always does dataEncipherment with *server*
> certificates (if any).

Correction to the correction: TLS always does dataEncipherment with
server certificate *if* the key exchange algorithm is RSA.

> So dataEncipherment should be set in the SSL server certificate and
> clear in the SSL client certificate, as is apparently already the case
> here, so that part is OK.

Even if you don't set the dataEncipherment bit in the keyUsage
extension, it works. TLS libraries are tolerant :)

Erwann ABALEA <erwann.aba...@keynectis.com>
Département R&D
11-13 rue René Jacques - 92131 Issy les Moulineaux Cedex - France
Tél.: +33 1 55 64 22 07
It works better if you plug it in where it should be.
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